Environmental illness patient + advocate, performance artist, and long-time Planet Thrive family member has been recognized in a feature article entitled MONET CLARK — Rise of Raven Woman in Couer + Art magazine. Over the years, when not battling a disabling cluster of conditions that include severe chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and the concurrent homelessness that can come with these illnesses, Monet has tirelessly thrown herself into her myth-busting performance work. She deftly weaves environmentalism, eco-feminism, ableism, spirituality, and healing medicine into her performances. She is fearless with her work, as all artists using their own bodies to convey provocative themes and transformational experiences for their viewers are.
If you’d like to read more about Monet’s journey with CFS/MCS and how she healed from years of being bedridden so that she could continue her career in performance art, see our article/interview here: Life as art: healing from CFS, FMS, and MCS.
You can also learn more about her on her website monetclark.com.
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