Paleo raw chocolate bites
by Elana Amsterdam | These super easy no-bake cookies have only 5 ingredients — 100% dark chocolate, almond pulp, dates, coconut, and sea salt.
Orange poppy seed scones
by Elana Amsterdam | Valentine’s day is nearly upon us! In my house, this holiday is just another excuse to make more homemade grain-free baked goods and healthy candy.
Dan’s return to health from severe environmental illness
Dan Ross shares about his miraculous recovery from severe chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity using Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Pre-order Buhner’s book on bartonella and mycoplasma
Herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner is coming out with his long awaited book in April 2013 called Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma.

re|shelter’s Safe Oasis Grant Program now open
Housing non-profit re|shelter is now offering (5) small grants up to $2,000 each to eligible individuals whose ability to continue to live safely in their current home has been severely compromised by environmental intolerances.
Cryptolepsis and cipro – same mechanism?
Dear Stephen, Do you know of any connection between cryptolepis and cipro/quinolone adverse effects? They seem to share the same mechanism of being topoisomerase inhibitors and messing up DNA replication.
Breastmilk for healing?
Dear Stephen, Is there anything specifically beneficial about me giving my toddler with lyme some breastmilk to help him heal, recover some good flora in his gut, etc?
Will the protocol be harmful if I don’t have lyme?
Dear Stephen, I highly respect the potency/efficacy of herbs and wonder if there would be any potential harm in doing the protocol if I don’t actually have lyme (or if I have a different kind of infection)?
Okay to take pain narcotics with Buhner herbs?
Dear Stephen, My mother has been on antibiotics and pain narcotics (hydrocodone) for 2 years and is not improving. She is starting your herbal protocol. Is it okay to take the herbs with pain narcotics and antibiotics?