just put together this extensive guide to growing a thriving indoor herb garden. just put together this extensive guide to growing a thriving indoor herb garden.
by Mike Lieberman | Civilizations were built upon being able to grow food and the community that went into it from planting, taking care of to harvesting, preparing and sharing it.
Earlier this summer I finally got to meet Barbara Kerr, a local woman who invented the solar wall oven and pioneered the use of other forms of solar cooking.
Wilhelm and Bryan Jones of Sweet Corn Organic Nursery share their secrets for growing healthy, juicy tomatoes.
Over the weekend I dug my hands into the Earth for the first time this year. I threw off my coat and spent about 10 hours in the garden; it felt amazing to be out in the sun, connecting with the soil, spending time with the land that will provide me nourishment.
When planting seeds indoors, you want to start with a good quality organic seed starting mix.
These biodegradable eggshell planters are perfect for starting seeds! When the plants get too big for the shells, you can transplant them straight to the soil, shell and all.
Use “Rockdust” in your soil to help produce giant vegetables rich with minerals and trace elements.
by Kim Wilhelm and Bryan Jones of Sweet Corn Organic Nursery | The soil test is at the heart of organic gardening. It all happens in the soil. If you have healthy soil, you will have healthy plants.
The star of polyculture farming is the father-son team Joel and Daniel Salatin of Polyface Farms in Virginia. Learn more about their innovative approach to farming which focuses on producing healthy soil and grass.