Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, an autism and lyme specialist, has found that patients who have not progressed in their recovery often have a treatable underlying condition.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, an autism and lyme specialist, has found that patients who have not progressed in their recovery often have a treatable underlying condition.
D-galactose, a mono sugar, may be helpful in treating insulin disturbance in autistic children, as well as people with cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Some parents are claiming that the use of small amounts of medical marijuana baked into brownies and other foods have produced behavioral results in their autistic kids that are nothing short of miraculous.
Referred to by many as a medical genius, Dr. Klinghardt has successfully treated many children on the autism spectrum. His approach focuses on detoxification of lyme neurotoxins, mercury, mold, and other environmental toxins.
Offers a comprehensive, customized approach to mercury detoxification which may include chlorella, cilantro, minerals, probiotics, MSM, essential fatty acids, vitamins, DMPS, sulfur-bearing amino acids, DMSA and NAC, hyaluronic acid, and homeopathy.
Amy S. Holmes, MD’s protocol for mercury removal as part of her biomedical approach to treating autism. Many believe that a large majority of autism cases are in fact, pediatric cases of mercury poisoning due to shared symtoms and lab results.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a nutritional regimen used to treat a variety of chronic and auto-immune disorders including Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, Autism and Cystic Fibrosis.
The DAN! Protocol offers a biomedical treatment approach for parents and physicians who do not regard psychotropic drugs as the best or only means of treating autistic patients.
Comprehensive heavy metal detoxification protocol that includes diagnostic testing, vitamin and mineral supplementation, dietary restrictions, and chelation with both natural (ALA) and synthetic (DMPS, DMSA) chelators.
Approach for autism, ALS, MS, and other neuro disorders that uses genetic testing for mutations in the methylation pathway to help nutritionally bypass existing blocks.