
Call for chemical free zone

Call for chemical free zone

Tami Duncan, Executive Director of the Lyme Induced Autism Foundation sends out a plea to parents and practitioners of autistic children to refrain from wearing perfume, and other scented products.

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Toxic Perfume Lady

Toxic Perfume Lady

Fragrance chemicals are found in laundry detergent, dryer sheets, shampoo, skin creams, perfumes and hundreds of other household products. And guess what? Most of these …

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Toxic Terror

Toxic Terror

When you walk into my house, chemicals waft from your clothes. I know right away that the laundry detergent you use is toxic (most are) and that if I am around you for long I will get a headache. Should I tell you?

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Toxin Information

Toxin Information

Educate yourself on ingredients found in many common products and make the appropriate lifestyle changes to protect yourself and your family from developing cancer, chemical sensitivity and other other serious and disabling health challenges.

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empowering the environmental illness community