Dear Stephen,
I have been dealing with chronic lyme for 1 1/2 years (at least) and have been on antibiotics plus herbals for 6 months. I am currently experiencing chest pain, heaviness, sometimes heart palpitations, and a fast resting heartbeat. I see that you recommend stephania, hawthorn, and coenzyme Q10 for heart issues. Which one should I take? Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to stop or won’t slow down, and I get the chest pains and heaviness mainly at night. I take a klonopin when it happens severely (about every other day), and this seems to help. Just for your information, I am currently taking azithromycin and suprax. I have been just on those two for the past 2 weeks, but plan on restarting the herbals/vitamins such as vitamin B 12, D, samento, banderol, grapefruit seed extract, nattokinase, apple polyphenols, reversatrol, and eleutero extract.
Stephen’s response:
I would highly recommend motherwort tincture, ¼-1/2 tsp 3x daily. You can take up to ½ ounce at night, yes ½ ounce. I do myself from time to time. In general, however, that lower dose will help resolve this condition. It will also help with the CNS inflammation that lyme, etc., can cause. Hawthorn is also good as a regular supplement.

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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  1. Stephen

    I suggest to you that you taper off of your benzodiazepenes. Do so slowly if you have been taking for more than a few months. The symptoms of benzo withdrawal are similar to Lyme, but continuing to take them will cause greater dependence.

    Never take benzos more than once or twice a month unless an emergency.

  2. Olena

    I have the same issues with my heart, had Lyme for 9 years, just found out a month ago and started on general protocol (herbals). And this heart problems came up immediately (had some palpitations every now and then, but nothing like this before). Mother wort too? Thank you

  3. Beverly Swegman

    Hello, Have Lyme disease now for two years. Went to the heart. Complete heart block. Bradycardia. Low pulse rate in the 40’s. Started taking astragulas. What else could I do?

    Thank you

  4. Kelly

    My father has what we believe as s/s of Lyme but we are in California and his MD is VERY resistant to the idea that his chronic conditions could be Lyme disease. He was recently seen and treated in the ER for shortness of breath and edema (13 pounds of fluid in 10 days) among some other complaints. His doctor is treating him for “diastolic heart dysfunction” and has put him on a beta blocker, angiotensin inhibitors and lasix. He has A-fib as well. What can we do to definitively find a Lyme disease infection and cause? This road has been long, hard, exhausting and getting us no where while he continues to get sicker.

  5. Beverley

    Dear Stephen,
    I live in France and have been diagnose with a chronic Lyme disease from childhood.
    It’s called Borellia Miyamotoi. Is it the same protocol? Where do I buy the herbs if this is the case?

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