Young Living Essential Oils

by | Apr 2, 2013 | Columns, Healing Lyme, Herbs, miscellaneous, other protocols | 104 comments

Dear Stephen,
I would be very interested in hearing your take on Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) and their use for lyme. Some with lyme have used them with positive results (although myself not extensively, but I do know the raindrop detox massage with specific sequence of oils works very well!), others argue that YLEO is a pyramid scheme and that Gary Young is a quack. A friend of mine who’s a YLEO practitioner and massage therapist avows that a client of hers went on a customized YLEO protocol for lyme and was able to clear herself of lyme disease. For instance, there is an essential oil combination that one can take internally that apparently acts like an antibiotic: oregano, mountain savory, and lemon. This, in combination with other internally taken YLEO products, plus weekly raindrop massage sessions apparently did the trick. I haven’t invested a lot in this, as I’m committed to taking the Buhner and Zhang herbal protocols, and I’m also taking two antibiotics – but would very much appreciate your candid and reliable judgment on this.

Stephen’s response:
There are many things that work for lyme, there is NO “one way fits all” approach. In general, if you get better, it works for you, if not, it didn’t. The main thing that tends to raise my BS detector is if the protocol is ONLY available through one person and that person makes a lot of money off it. It violates my personal ethics, nevertheless, there are many, many things that do help people with lyme.

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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  1. laura miles

    You’re a damn good human being Stephen, always so honest…..

  2. Jason

    YL Oils in my experience only aggitated and “woke up” the bugs.
    Once sending me to the hospital. Awful experience.

    I believe the oils penetrate TOO DEEP into the CNS (if that makes any sense) and can awaken a deep rooted infection.

    Sometimes it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie.

  3. EC

    I use YL specifically if I have a sore throat or chest heaviness. I had started occasionally putting a drop or two into my tea and one day I couldn’t believe how fast my sore throat went away and how long the effect lasted. I stumbled on this. I still like using 1 drop a day here and there and I must confess it does seem to make me feel better but as far as killing bugs, not sure. It does seem really expensive for such a small bottle.

  4. Ayla Morgellons

    People refer to the Young Living as the only source to go to for essential oils, but there are many reputable suppliers that now carry therapeutic grade oils and are much less expensive. I won’t work with young living because I do not like their company practices, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    Essential oils are very powerful and if one is attracted to them, they should be pursued. All avenues that support the health are worthy of looking into.

  5. Ayla Morgellons

    Forgot to mention that some good companies for essential oils are:

  6. summer

    Ayla, I just placed an order with young living oils that was alot of money, for the future, i would to know a very good EO that does the job and costs less~ I fear my children were born with lyme and my 3 yr old already has body aches (found out from a zyto,and she always would complain of a pain here or there) SO, EO are a good way to help that and stay on top of anything that is trying to wreck havoc on their little bodies….

    and any opinion anyone has as to what to give little ones with possible lyme would be great~ i try GSE and colloidal silver at times too.. although i believe CS gives my young ones a herx reaction

  7. Lori

    I just gave my 30 year old son his first raindrop treatment.
    The kit cost $134 as i am a YLEO distributor. I have many friends who are suffering from lyme disease. We are all chipping in for the treatments. My son said his well being numbers went from 0-7. He had been in bed all morning. After the treatment, he hung out in the yard with his brother & helped him to stack wood. The treatments are recommended for lyme every week. I think he will be wanting another one.

  8. Grace

    For the sake of us newbies, could those of you posting please not use so many abbreviations? What is CS?

  9. healing lyme admin

    I’m pretty sure they mean colloidal silver, mentioned earlier in the comment.

  10. Epiphany

    Yes. Valuable comment. We must all discern for ourselves what works.
    For me, if it costs too much to experiment, or if I have to buy in to something that is as larger plan (not retailed) then I find it ethically and financially difficult to participate. peace and blessing thoughts

  11. Martha

    EC, can you please tell me what oil you use for the sore throat? I have been getting lots of colds and post nasal drip that makes me cough all night. Any tips on EO would be greatly appreciated!

  12. Sharon


    Who are the YLEO Practitioners that know this therapy? I would very much like to try this approach and am studying EOs for multiple infections.

    Thank you.


  13. Christi

    Could that have been caused by a massive dump of dead lyme into the bloodstream? I’ve heard you want to take it slow so it doesn’t overwhelm your body’s ability to flush them.

  14. Christi

    I source oils for my products from many places. One company isn’t going to have the best of everything. I make my products to make it easy and affordable for people to use EOs.

  15. Karie

    Hi, Martha- If I have a sore throat I take a tsp of coconut oil in my hand, add 1-2 drops of Thieves EO from Young Living and rub the outside of my throat OR spray once with Thieves Spray. I also put a pre-mixed rub of coconut oil and Thieves on my feet on a regular basis to increase my immunity. I love Young Living!

  16. Kari

    My daughter was recently diagnosed with Lyme, so we are treating her with the oils. We have started nice and slow as to not cause the detox to happen to fast. So far so good, her symptoms are getting better. If you would like to purchase the oils you can go to

  17. D.

    You can research Rainbow Therapy in your area as there are some massage therapist that perform the treatment. Although if you order the Rainbow Therapy kit from Young Living it comes with an instructional so you could have a friend/family member perform the treatment. It is simple and easy to understand. I have a background in herbal medicine and was diagnosed with lyme–many of the things recommended by mouth are actually the oils that you will apply directly to the skin–ie oregano, thyme, etc.

  18. Sue

    Young Living essential oils (started a month ago) have both made me herx beyond belief AND made me feel incredibly better with many symptoms. My problem is body is not detoxing fast/well enough. So I’ve learned to slow down and finding ways to open those detox pathways for better clearing. I’ll get back to this thread in 1-2 months from now with updates. I’m going to try treating both my Hashimoto and my chronic Lyme (30+ years? but dx 6 mos ago). Thanks for this posting. It is helpful to me.

  19. Jason

    No, what happened was very obvious and I’ve been dealing with it ever since (2 years later).

    I wouldn’t touch essential oils with a 10 foot pole. Definitely not ingesting them. I can see rubbing on feet, etc.

  20. Kimberly

    Sue, I would love to be updated with your progress, as I know a few who are dealing with these issues as well…you may email me @ Thank you and be well

  21. Carol Willess Certified Reflexologist

    For the record, it is Raindrop therapy, not Rainbow. I am certified in Raindrop Technique having trained with Gary Young, creator of Young Living Essential Oils

    I would really like a set of Young Living Essential Oil and Products to share with a group suffering from Lyme Disease symptoms caused by Moregellon’s

  22. Barbara F

    D. Please use essential oils with the utmost care; they are serious medicine. I am very much against Rainbow Therapy as the body is subjected to too many oils at the same time, thus making the liver work even harder to detoxify. An ess. oil blend should NEVER have more than 5-6 individual oils in it, unless working with a certified aromatherapist.. The American College of Health Sciences has a wonderful program designed for those that work with Young Living and doTerra essential oils

  23. Lisa


    What is your protocol of Young Living essential oils?

    Coffee enemas have been very helpful for me with herxing.

  24. Kristin

    I had a very severe case of lyme/mycoplasma +. After trying almost every route of healing for it, and after being in bed for almost 3 years, I was having convulsions, a-fib, panic attacks, etc that caused me to feel I was dying.I was introduced to EO by a dear friend and I had such an immediate and effective response to them that I began to look more deeply into how they can be used. I used them internally as well as externally. Within two months my brain fog, convulsions, panic and heart issues were no longer plaguing me. I started on the microbial issues next as well as having the strength to address my gut and foundational health. My personal experience is that EO gave my life back and they have proven gentle, yet powerful in my personal healing. I wanted to share this as I felt they were not getting a fair assessment. I started with YL oils but my results were with doTERRA.


    Can you share your doTERRA protocol? I use them and love them! Im just now starting a protocol. Feel confused about where to start, since there are several different protocols posted on the Web. I was planning to do On Guard, Oregano, Frankincense, & Thyme in capsule once per day. Was going to do this for 2 wks, take a 2 wk break, and then do another round for 2 wks. I was thinking of adding drops of cinnamon, clove, and cassia to my water. 2 drops of Melissa under my tongue. Not sure what oils to apply externally and where on my body. Im thinking of taking Cilantro as well, to assist with heavy metal detox.

  26. Tina

    Kristen – can I ask which essential oils you used? I’m on antibiotics but am very interested in doing an oil in conjunction with them or possibly oils exclusively at some point down the road. Thanks so much! Glad you’re well. It’s a miserable disease. : (

  27. Nancy

    Kristen- I, too, would love to hear your protocol. I am researching for a Post-Katrina induced case of mycoplasma.

  28. Gwyn

    It’s too bad that was your experience and one could say maybe getting what’s laying dormant that deep out on your own terms is better than leaving it there to raise it’s ugly head when it chooses. But it obviously wasn’t the right thing for you and you were right to follow your instincts about your path. That doesn’t mean however that Essential Oils are wrong for everyone. I too had terrible Herxing when first ingesting Oregano Essential Oil (high quality “pharmaceutical” grade pure) but not any worse than what I experienced from die off while on IV antibiotics and I was able to lessen the dose and control the reaction. So slowed down the effect much the way the Christi was suggesting. I would highly recommend people try Essential Oil protocols (there are several) to see if it helps them, as long as you are dealing with the best quality oils from a reputable company (no matter what a distributor tells you there is more than one reputable company supplying high quality oils) I actually choose to use a couple of companies for various reasons.

  29. Gwyn

    *Herxing meant it was working to me.

  30. Gwyn

    Since EC is using YL oils I would bet they are talking about Thieves. It is fantastic for fighting colds and flu (along with other things) it has Clove in it which is very prominent and has other “hot” oils as well but I love clove and just let a drop or two fall under my tongue directly when I feel something coming on. I would suggest putting drops in water or swallowing with CO first to get used to it and work up to the direct under the tongue though. The other methods mentioned along with putting in gel caps are good too. Other companies make a version of this blend as well.

  31. Gwyn

    You can find a list of practitioners doing it in your area on the Young Living site I believe or maybe the YL blog but it does exist. Also as someone else mentioned if you get the kit it has a DVD and a book available with directions. There are also YouTube video tutorials you could watch before deciding to order. But as I was saying you can order the oils and most massage therapists could probably perform it using one of those methods for learning Raindrop Therapy.

  32. Gwyn

    Hope things are still going well for you. I just wanted to encourage you to continue tweaking the protocol. I found that it was an ongoing ever changing process. As long as you are in touch with your body and listen to it you will be good. It will tell you when something is or isn’t working, don’t hesitate to increase or decrease the dose, add an new or reintroduce an oil or something else entirely. It’s a living treatment for a living disease/organism in a living body and things will work wonders, not work as well and work again as all of those things change. So many factors in the way a body and everything in it reacts and works at any given time. Hang in, it isn’t easy but it sure is interesting. Stay positive!

  33. Gwyn

    In my experience with Lyme it is important you don’t go off and on whatever you are using. So the 2wks on 2wks off 2wks back on isn’t the way I would recommend doing it. If you want to alter the dose add subtract or change the oils, go for it, in fact I would encourage you to do that as your body needs. But don’t go off everything, think of the spirochaetes (and other forms) as being like the super infections that have become resistant to antibiotics. Taking a break gives them time to become resistant to whatever was killing them and learn resistance or how to better hide. You can let up a bit by lessening the dose but don’t stop dosing them once you start. Hope that makes some sense. The buggers like to fight back hard.

  34. Gwyn

    I used Oregano Oil mixed with sesame, olive or actually an Omega 3,6,9 mix in capsules. But there are a few protocols out there that add Thyme, Lemon and some others to that. They all have Oregano though I think and if not should. Studies have been done with Lyme and it’s co-infections and Oregano essential oil that are very encouraging. Basically none of these things survive in Oregano.

  35. Gwyn

    Just my overall 2cents. I agree with Christy when it comes to Essential Oils there isn’t just one company. There are reasons for using different companies for different oils at different times. The most important thing being that you are using high quality oils which while available isn’t always easy to know you have found. Do your due diligence and make sure you are dealing with reputable people and the quality info is available to you. I think everyone means well and believes what they say but no company is the only company selling good oils. I was introduced to using oils as “pharmaceuticals” specifically for my Lyme through a Young Living distributor (6-7 years ago) and became a distributor myself to buy at the discount since I knew I would be ingesting good amounts for a while. The person that introduced me is trained and licensed in the healthcare field and I trusted her belief in the quality and still do. The oils worked so well for me in various ways I was soon using them for much more than killing lyme organisms. I have found a couple other companies I like now also and use mainly, Spark Naturals and Native Nutritionals/Rocky Mountain Oils as well. So I use all three now for various reasons but mostly YL and SN depending on the oil. I haven’t made it a business and while I am always happy to order oils for people at my wholesale price or discounted price if they want my goal is to spread the word about using high quality oils in place of so many things and making them accessible not what company they come from or who you get them from. Based on my ability to create Herxing I know Oregano EO creates as much die-off as any IV antibiotic or combo I have been on (18 months worth). Essential oils are definitely worth adding to any plan for fighting Lyme and the many symptoms that come with it, I would highly recommend looking into them. I am happy to help any way I can, just ask. But as with your health and course of treatment do your research, listen to your body and then go with your instinct. No one knows your body, how it feels and what’s best for it better than you do. Your willingness to explore various treatments and ask questions, the very fact you are reading this means you are doing the right things and proactively taking responsibility for your health with an open mind. You will be successful just stay strong and positive (easier said than done sometimes).

  36. Judy

    Help! My doctor just given up on me after 4 years of oral antibiotics and a ton of supplements I am not making progress. My daughter has gotten into Young Living EO and I am exploring Mountain Rose but could someone please help me with directions or protocol for the overwhelming fatigue and some pain that continues? I have tried so many things but don’t know the exact “recipe” to use. It also sounds like I should make this a part of my life if it works and not pulse?
    Like how many drops of each specific oil with which carrier and how many times a day?
    Thanks so much for your help!!!!!

  37. Maggie

    Gwen, I too would like to know your protocol or how you developed it. I’ve been researching but the information is so confusing so I’d love to hear from someone who’s figured out a formula that’s worked for me to start with. If you have the time or inclination to respond please do. Thetreesalso @ netscape (dot) net. Thanks!

  38. Rachel

    A question for Gwen, and anyone else with insight. I am currently researching essential oils for lyme. I have had lyme for 9+ years and have been through most every “traditional” medical option. I am currently using rife therapy but want to augment my treatment. Please share specifics with me about your successes with treating lyme via essential oils. My husband and I attended a Dōterra class yesterday and are very interested.
    Thank you.


  39. Diana

    I have recently started an EO (i’m using young living) protocol for lyme. it’s been about 3 weeks – and i definitely notice more of a herx reaction than i did with CS (collodial silver). this is my protocol: 8 drops thieves, 2-3 tea tree oil (this is supposed to help break up the biofilms from what i have read), 2 thyme, 4-5 oregano oil and 2 sacred frankincense (although i just ran out of sacred so i’m using regular right now until i get more – i’m not sure if it is as effective or not). i do this once a day, but i have recently read that you should pulse because oregano is hard on the liver. i have read 3 days a week and then after a few months take a 2 week or longer break. I would be interested to know if anyone knows for sure if this is not a good idea – as i know someone suggested it gives the bacteria a chance to build a resistance. I also plan to start enzymes to help break up the biofilm.

  40. Lisa

    I’ve been reading everyone’s comments as I too have chronic Lyme disease. I am willing to try anything. I am currently looking into YLEO. I have made purchases from Mountain Rose Herbs and was pleased. Any information that is posted is very helpful. Thanks!

  41. Susan

    My question is for Diana or anyone else who can chime in… the protocol that you listed with the exact drops (thank you thank you thank you!!) did you apply this externally or were you taking these together internally? I’d REALLY like to try EO treatment with my husband who has been on antibiotics for about 5 years and only saw positive results at the start of that treatment. I use YLEO’s and have only really used lavender, peppermint and thieves on myself. I tried some oregano on him once or twice, but I don’t think much change was seen since it wasn’t a “regimen’ just an isolated massage!

    Thanks everyone for the great discussion! I’ve learned a lot!!
    wishing everyone well — lyme is terrible and effects those of us not infected as well.

  42. Leanne Carter

    There is now a Facebook group for people with Lyme using Young Living oils. It’s called Lyme & Essential oils, and anyone using YL for their Lyme or who are interested in trying it are welcome to join. Or find me on FB and I can add you. Leanne Carnell Carter is my FB name.

    There are good answers to all the problems people are having, and I’m sorry nobody was able to address your herxes. Let me know how we can help!

  43. Leanne Carter

    I am not likely to see any reply here, so come find me on FB please.

  44. Crystal Sutherland

    If anyone wishes to research Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO)
    and would like to try them but aren’t sure where or how to get started, please visit the site. I am a distributor and you can use my # 2028679 to order your oils. Thank you, and I hope these help you! _Crystal Sutherland Lemon Dropper.

  45. Nicole

    Thank you so much for your insight, everyone! I was Dx over a month ago with Lyme, blood tests verified, everyone says I won the lottery with a pos blood test. While I’m thankful it didn’t go un diagnosed, this is not my kind of lottery winning. I have been on doxy for a month, and I’m done with it. I feel, listening to my body, like it prob cleared some of the stuff in my blood system, but it also feel like it has nested in my tissues. Herxing has been a real reality for me but I haven’t herxed with the antibiotics in over a week and I’m done with it. I do get so 80 yr old woman after just small to moderate exertions of my muscles. I am 35 and we run a small farm and I homeschool my 3 boys. Ain’t nobody got time for this. My joints no longer ache, get stiff as much except my feet if I’ve been on them all day long. I am trying to find an LLMD here in SC, but in the meantime, I started taking today, Cats Claw, grapefruit seed extract, aloe, bee pollen, and colloidal silver. I also want to add an essential oils protocol. Seems like with Lyme, you just have to experiment and there are so many freakin bunny trails. It’s frustrating beyond belief. Have had 3 great days and today I can hardly walk. If anyone can provide true tips and encouraged that this can be manageable, I would love to hear from you. My email is Thanks. It’s a lonely road out here in Lymesville.

  46. Gloria

    I have used YLEO’s oils before I did a major detox and after. After made the oils work much better. They may or may not work in the “before” situation. If you’re interested, google The Natural Healing Paradigm. Then follow it. Get all the disease causing stuff out of your body, then the rest is very easy to deal with. That could be microbial stuff.

  47. Beth

    Hello. :-) so much good info and advice. May I add to it that taking a good quality vitamin c product helps amazingly with herxheimer die off. I don’t notice die off when I take it. It’s a great way to get Rudd of tbe toxins.. I never do a cleanse/ treatment protocol without it. I recommend life extension foundation ( website buffered powdered vitamin c. It is the highest quality product I have found. Thank you fot the oil advice. I was treated for Lyme with doxycyclene (for 30 days) in 2001 within 2 weeks of being bit. Then later had ringing in my ears off and on afterward…didnt know this was a symptom that I might still have it but felt fine. Started having worse health problems about a year later. Extreme stress 3 years ago may be the cause of my recent crash. Extreme fatigue. Pain all over my body. So I went gluten free. Has helped enormously! On a huge vitamin protocol.Thanks again the oil combo advice. It may be tbe missing piece I have been looking for. Life is harder when you are tired all the time and lack motivation. I always had so much energy. Now I feel like someone has put weights on my ankles. Good luck to all! I would be happy to share my vitamin protocol I use that helps strengthen adrenals and thyroid.
    I just want to rid my body of these invaders once and for all.

  48. Judy

    Hi Lisa,
    I just read your plight with chronic Lyme. I have had it and have a life worth living after many years of looking for life changing results. If you are still looking for something maybe I could help.

  49. Dory Hill

    Brian, April 3, 2013 I felt that way in the beginning, but keep in mind….those lying dogs grow in numbers even while sleeping….when they decide to come out to play it is even worst than a healing crisis.

  50. Lori

    Hi Judy, would you be wiling to share your healing experience with me?

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