Young Living Essential Oils

by | Apr 2, 2013 | Columns, Healing Lyme, Herbs, miscellaneous, other protocols | 104 comments

Dear Stephen,
I would be very interested in hearing your take on Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) and their use for lyme. Some with lyme have used them with positive results (although myself not extensively, but I do know the raindrop detox massage with specific sequence of oils works very well!), others argue that YLEO is a pyramid scheme and that Gary Young is a quack. A friend of mine who’s a YLEO practitioner and massage therapist avows that a client of hers went on a customized YLEO protocol for lyme and was able to clear herself of lyme disease. For instance, there is an essential oil combination that one can take internally that apparently acts like an antibiotic: oregano, mountain savory, and lemon. This, in combination with other internally taken YLEO products, plus weekly raindrop massage sessions apparently did the trick. I haven’t invested a lot in this, as I’m committed to taking the Buhner and Zhang herbal protocols, and I’m also taking two antibiotics – but would very much appreciate your candid and reliable judgment on this.

Stephen’s response:
There are many things that work for lyme, there is NO “one way fits all” approach. In general, if you get better, it works for you, if not, it didn’t. The main thing that tends to raise my BS detector is if the protocol is ONLY available through one person and that person makes a lot of money off it. It violates my personal ethics, nevertheless, there are many, many things that do help people with lyme.

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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  1. pat

    Burning and Pain Symptoms. I read that Lymes Disease, Shingles, and Morgellons are frequently misdiagnosed. Anyway, has anyone ever had extreme burning and pain (both sharp and dull) anywhere in the body, back for instance, not necessarily where the outbreak was, after contracting the disease? With compromised kidney and lung function considerations should be made for gentle detox. Is there any oils or application that can help the extreme pain and burning without creating a rapid detox? Maybe more than one oil. It seems there still some of the infection or whatever in the body. Would Thieves oil help with origination of disease and maybe another oil say for soothing? Anyone tried colloidal silver? Help!

  2. Sue

    So sorry to hear that you have Lyme.We have been dealing with it for almost 7 years with many symptoms, but really relate to your “extreme fatigue.” I would like to hear your vitamin protocol Beth! Thanks.

  3. Tom

    I’m interested in trying EO topically. Would be concerend about ingnesting them.
    And they are supposed to have effect from skin.

    I have lyme for way to long. I don’t tolerate treamtents well and have lost of anxiety fatigue, pain. Some really like the very arduous MMS protocol for lyme, even cancer along with essiac tea organic blend from Mtn Rose Herbs. And magnesium oil on skin. Magnesium ingested stimulates spirochete growth.

  4. Cassandra

    Hi Beth,
    Hello everyone,
    We have also just gone gluten free and it is seeming to help. I have not yet read Mr. Buhners book, but am ordering it after I write this comment. I just would really love to hear the vitamin protocol, Beth, and anyone elses!
    Right now, we are doing a gentle introduction of therapeutic grade essential oils (will begin the ‘Lyme Bomb’ soon) such as Oregano, Thieves, Frankincense and others, along with drastic changes in diet (gluten/sugar/yeast free, etc) and I’m researching daily on what supplements and vitamins to take. My family has been suffering for many years. I grew up in the woods all day, every day, and nobody warned me to look out for tick bites. After doctors were unsuccessful in diagnosing me (MS, lupus, etc. were possibilities) the extreme pain I experience, which has changed me in big ways, has made me seek out an alternative. Somethin’s got to give. After my husband was recently diagnosed with Lyme (pos blood test) I have come to the conclusion that I may never be diagnosed, so instead I am changing my focus to be that of revitalizing my immune system and concentrating on greater health. Whatever is wrong with me will hopefully work itself out as I accomplish this means to an end. This may not be the best route to take, but it is the only one available to me. If anyone has anything they would like to share, please, get in touch with me at and I’ll appreciate that so very much. I need all the support I can get!! ThNk you!!!!

  5. Leanne Carter

    Note: I cannot edit my posts above. Due to changes in FDA regulations, we can no longer suggest that you can use YL oils to help with Lyme or any symptoms thereof. To the FDA folks who are reading this, I do not claim that oils can in any way help with Lyme. I am not a doctor. I do not give medical advice. The above group I mentioned has been discontinued. I would remove the above posts if I could.

  6. maria

    I have used their oils and my personal opinion is that it is a BS company just like Stephen suggests..

  7. Betty

    Wow. I sure hope everyone is healing…i sure love this site and Your generosity. Our wonderful twin sons have struggled with this as their massive growth spurts hit. Have experience at one of our main hospitals in the country- PT helped a lot but we were doing chinese herbs at same time. then colloidal silver too, a local children’s hospital, a local lyme doctor who’s of course out of network and wanted to do abx by injections for 16 weeks ( we didnt think their systems could handle it) We have made outstanding progress with PT, chinese herbs, and lately a Licensed chiropractor but have relapses esp with bad diet. I highly recommend a doc who can guide you on what to eat- you have to ignore your tastebuds for awhile- and support your poor organs but kill the damn parasites. Do not feed them with a bad diet- take it from us! Leaky gut and yeast go with this damn disease. Energy healing also highly recommended. Learn to get in touch with your own healing powers or intuition. I am learning but its been hell for us all in the process. Those who are caretakers, be sure you don’t give up your life and soul- you have to take excellent care of yourselves! Peace out.

  8. ton

    Has anyone heard of using tulsi – aka ‘holy basil’ in treatment of lyme?

  9. JIll

    I just need to chime in with what I have experienced. I was doing all herbal for my lyme. I am 48 and have very advanced chronic lyme, especial neuro. My daughter was also diagnosed at 9 and we fear she was born with it. My doctor in Minneapolis retired and when I finally found a good new doctor I was surprised that she put me on essential oils! Happy to add some more natural defense, and happy to be able to cut back on all the many, many herbals I was on. I now do a mixture of both herbs and oils, Buehner protocol and several oil blends she specifically designed for my unique lyme. I think this is important to think about….we cant all take the same thing because we are all infected differently, we all have different immune systems, and we all have different sensitivities to foods, herbs, oils, environment etc. So please guys, dont just do what someone else is doing, find a good doctor who supports natural care for Lyme. That doctor should be having you fill out a lengthy symptoms list and then customizing a plan specifically for unique YOU. By the way, my doctor insisted that Doterra was the only essential oil company to buy from. Since researching them and buying from them for six months now, I know why. And no, she did not sell the oils or push me to someone who does. She directed me to go to their website and join. From there I was assigned a wellness advocate “director” that immediately came to my home and literally made the blends out of her own oils so I could start immediately rather than wait for my oils to arrive. You join not to make someone rich, you join to become a member with discounted prices…like Sam’s Club. Dont let the business plans behind Doterra scare you. It is what it is, but the main point is that they are the company that many doctors are recommending now days. Someone said earlier that these oils are very serious, very potent and need to be used in the right way…YES. This is why having joined a company that offers a line of experienced dealers and users to be on your team is so important. I had no idea where to start and they have helped me so much. Now I teach others! I am a Wholistic Life Coach… I teach people how to live out their best life by examining the Mind, Body and Spirit separately in order to make the “Whole” of them well by default. These oils have earned an entire section that will be soon placed on my website because I believe they are that crucial to wellness. Sure, I make money when people sign up under me but that is a bonus….we all know fighting Lyme is very expensive and not covered by insurance for most of us. The commissions I make help me pay for my oils. AND, people who sign up under me get my help as long as those above me when it comes to using essential oils…SO crucial! I cannot imagine what would happen if YL or Doterra just let anyone buy without signing up under someone who can offer them expertise and support! YIKES.

  10. LAHY

    YL has the only oils that have worked for us and I was so skeptical as a medical professional I wouldn’t try them until I was desperate and had already tried all the cheap brands. I will never be without them again! Our entire family now uses them for many issues and they are keeping my chronic lyme under control. When I can afford the entire protocol I will do it with joy!

  11. Syrita Barbera

    I have read several comments saying most essential oils are created equal. Not so. Check into your EO company. Ask them if they are 3rd party tested. Ask them if they are tested from plant to bottle. Ask them if they stand behind their oil. Also ask if they are 100 oil in the bottle, or is there a filler?
    If any of these questions are negative, contact me. I would be happy to help you. Please be careful what you are using, and do not get EO that cost very little, you will be wasting your time or even worst getting something that may harm you.

  12. Syrita Barbera

    I would be happy to give you some suggestions. look me up on facebook. What is basically need is to strengthen your immune and lymphatic system.

  13. heirloom maters

    Hi, Sue,

    As it is now a year and a half later, I am very curious how your EO treatment has progressed. I hope you are feeling much improved.

    I have likely had Lyme for 25 years or so, just Dxed this past April. I am taking a multifaceted approach, including EO’s, Buhner herbs, Zhang (for garlic), as well as acupuncture and Qi Gong. I started EO’s under the guidance of my acupuncturist who is also trained in using them. I would never consider messing about with them on my own without proper training or the guidance of someone who had such training. EO’s are powerful, being the essence of the plant, and as such are to be respected.

    That said, I am having some good results. I am just emerging from a healing crisis, and I am hoping that the fact that it happened means I made a lot more progress than I thought. While not pleasant, certainly, where these little buggies are concerned, I stand by the wisdom of Shrek, “Better out than in!”

    Peace and healing to you.

  14. Amber

    I’ve been using YL Thieves for 2 years now- first b/cig had black mold in my basement and was having an allergic reaction to it, my friend immediately ordered me a diffuser and got me a bottle of Thieves. I diffused it while I was at work 2 days later. When I came home that evening- no reaction. I was thinking coincidence at first, but, no…. It wasn’t. Also after I started using it on my daughters feet and my feet each night we have cut down the number of times we get sick per year dramatically— I didn’t even notice it at first, because who misses being sick, right??! Then it dawned on me- last year we both only picked up 1 virus that was going around. That was it. This year so far ( and its Dec. 16 already) we have not had any major sicknesses that we have had to miss work or school because of or been bed ridden by. I went from using it in my feet to putting 2 drops on my younger and swishing it around my mouth and gums with my younger. I do it in the morning when I get up and before I go to bed because it kills bacteria. It took me awhile to understand that one oil just doesn’t do one thing— each one helps several different areas all at once. That’s why I like the “blends” you get a mix of them in one bottle. I could go on and on, but I know some people get bored or overwhelmed by it all. I just know that they come from plants and plants repair themselves. Makes such sense.

  15. Amber

    I used my rewards points to get a raindrop kit for my daughter (15) who had terrible back issues that threw off every alignment in her body- plus she had major stress and post traumatic issues. She was skeptical and thought I was crazy at first, but now she ASKS for them. The kit came with a DVD and a fold out guide. I use the DVD and just follow along with it.

  16. Michele

    It’s great to read so many positive results with the oils. I love my EO’s and have been using them for health & wellbeing for about 10 years. There’s so much good advice here, but like anything, always do your research and go with what feels right and what works for you. For further EO info visit


    Hi Gwyn,

    I know this is an older post, but I’m interested in using EOs to help my family heal from chronic Lyme and other issues. My 11 yo son in particular is very ill with seizures, fainting, tachycardia, panic, headaches, etc. I would love to talk to you about a piecing together a protocol for him. I have used YLEOs before and have many of them now. Thank you so much. I hope you can help us. Blessings, Melanie

  18. Gray

    Look up Advanced Cell Training on fb. No pills no herbs no oils. Just a bunch of ways to mask the symptoms. Advanced cell training u heal at the cellular level. No need to waste money on products that dont do crap.

  19. caroline

    Many of the cheaper oils on the market are cut with synthetic fillers or are totally synthetic. Good quality essential oils do tend to be pricier. For non mlm options I like the Floracopeia and Living Libations brands.

  20. Micheal

    1. It’s not. I have seen many, including myself, see great changes in their lives. 2. He doesn’t suggest that. He states he doesn’t believe in products you can only get through 1 person. In fact, anyone can order products from them without the need of someone. The fact that they have been distilling essential oils for over 20 years is why they are hyped so much. YOU can get essential oils from anywhere however like most things in world, they are not created equal. I have personally been to the farms and have seen the plants and witnessed the distillation. That kinda beats listening to someone talk trash. The greatest form of ignorance is dismissing something you know nothing about.

  21. Devora Clark

    I started taking Carolyn Dean’s liquid magnesium a few months ago. I had not heard that ingesting magnesium promotes Lyme spirochete growth! Do you have a source to document this? I just found out I have Lyme and want to try EO’s but doc wants me to do Byron White tinctures.

  22. Sherry

    Young Living is BS, a MLM scam.
    It’s a shame so many “distributors” of this shady business are shamelessly promoting sales on this sites to squeeze money from fellow sufferers.

  23. Peter

    First off let me say that I am a big believer in the use of essential oils as a healing method for all manner of ills but, I do take exception to the promotion of multi level marketing companies. They also raise my BS detector. I find it detestable that YL continues to promote their oils as “therapeutic grade”. There is no such thing as therapeutic grade essential oils. It is a made up industry term. Go here for an explanation: I personally buy my oils from that company. Robert Tisserand who wrote probably the definitive book on essential oil safety does testing of their essential oils. I’m sure there are other companies that sell quality essential oils, I’m just leery of MLM “scams”.

  24. Susan

    I just found this site while researching Lyme. I’m a new Lymie an keep hearing about Buhner. He sounds awesome. I clicked on EO’s because I use them all the time. I also would love a link on taking magnesium. Never heard that. Please share it with us. I digress. I have been using EO’s for almost 20 years. I do happen to love YLEO. I don’t sell them. I have been using Thieves, Frankincense and Oregano. I put 2 drops each in a jar mixed with almond carrier oil. I run on my arms (they ache from Lyme), spine, knees, elbows, ankles, hands and fingers. I have absolutely no herxing and I am super sensitive. I also use Thieves whenever I fly and never get sick anymore. I used to have a sinus infection within a week after flying. I used several oils for brain on my mom. I got a call that she had a stoke and probably wouldn’t make it 24 hours. She was in the ICU and unconscious. I got in bed with her, rubbed her head, feet and hugged her all day. She was sitting up and awake the next day -and talking. We were told if she did wakeup she wouldn’t walk or talk again. Believe in oils.

  25. Bette

    Those who seek to sell oils here, this is exactly what Stephan is talking about. Sharing oils for the sake of sharing them and helping people get well is awesome. His critique is sadly spot on for many who want to sell to sell.Serve the people, love them and if they ask for oils, that is the order of things. Offering someone to buy before you love them is what is out of line.

    I do not sell oils. Having spent and given away more than I have ever made in oils I have freeness of speech here.I use them and share them.

    Yes, the oils are a way people earn a living but they also provide coaching and massive loving support way beyond the few dollars they make.Many sell herbs and supplements to get people well from Lyme and make money, it is no different truly.

    I healed my Lyme with oils, ingesting them. Yes I had herx, that is the only way. Yes, it feels like you are sicker and need a hospital. Yes, it roots out long standing infections as they are powerful!

  26. JULIE

    Hi Bette,
    I am interested in how you eradicated your Lyme; the various oils/blends that you used, how you ingested them, the number of drops used etc. I have had what I suspect is Lyme since 1998. I was diagnosed back then with Fibromyalgia and fought against it for many years using nutritional, dietary and other modalities, including YLEO’s. It was a slow process, but eventually I made good progress, but still have lingering signs and occasional flair-ups. Thankfully I am pain free these days unless the barometer changes dramatically. Regretfully, here in (rural)Australia, the medico’s generally do not acknowledge the presence of Lyme or co-infections so there is little help and certainly, no financial assistance and little medical help or compassion.
    I realise everyone is different and that what suits one will not necessarily work as effectively for another, but it would be great to see your personal approach, if you don’t mind sharing that with those of us who are about to set out on this healing journey. If other protocols were used such as rife or farinfrared, please mention those too.
    Finally how did you deal with the Herx effect or did you just take extra fluids, Vit C and ‘tough it out’?
    Sorry for all the questions … I just want to do this the right way, the simplest way (if there is one) and the most cost-effective way from the start.
    Wishing you continued health, blessings and thanks for your input.

  27. Hanna

    Hi, I’m going to use both essentials oils and Buhner herb method. Will have to listen to my body and hopefully mixing isn’t too bad. Some people have said that is is not OK to mix these methods, but I can see here that many do that.

  28. Leslie

    I would love to know more details. I have lyme and mycoplasma as well and my symtoms are very similar to yours.

  29. evy keysers

    Hi Bette
    I used GX assist (enteric coated caps) of doTerra for my colon in february 2017 for 12 days but now my colon hurts. Just after taking them I had kidney problems. That’s better now but I have little infections all over. So I think besides my Lyme, other infections are resistant now. If you open a capsule it is really burning so I can imagine that it makes my intestines raw. What is your experience in essential oils and bowels, Lyme,… Thank you in advance. Evy Keysers

  30. patrick

    Something to be aware of. Lyme is a possession, the most powerful kind. On that note, it’s good to do our best to be aware when the is doing our thinking, talking and acting of us. There are physiological explanations for this.
    Lyme wants to live and will do everything it can in it’s super intelligent power to ensure it does to the best best of its ability.

  31. Jeanna

    That is a brilliant way of describing it Patrick, it clearly wants to survive and could influence decisions one makes. When I was dealing with Candida, I would have dreams about eating candy, it clearly was effecting my brain!!!

  32. Mona

    Thank you for this insight Patrick. This is so true, as lyme makes it hard to focus. I have written down what you have said, so that I can read it when I feel I need strength, to remind myself I am not actually weak. It is the lyme talking me down, because I’m starting to get my body back. Thank you again!

  33. Chuah

    Ms. Leanne,
    I was raised in Malaysia and became U.S. Citizen since 1993. I loved to run in the wood by not knowing how danger I am while I was running in the wood. 2014 having a severe pain in my stomach and did not know what cause the pain. 2015 my psychiatrist doctor had realized that I have Lyme disease. 2015 September started with cowden protocol for nine months (not working).Antibiotics for nine months (not working).Stephen and Zhang protocols (not working). Desperate for help. Want to know how EO’s oil work and where to buy?
    Thank you so much,

  34. Chris B

    Chuah, I’ve been doing a ton of research about Lyme and essential oils. I use Young Living and firmly believe that not all essential oils are created equally. I would love to share the information that I have and would be happy to direct you as you start using YL essential oils.

  35. Sandy

    I use YL also but have never seen anything referring to using EO for Lymes…..interested in that…

  36. Chuah

    By the way, will you be able to reach? Thanks.

  37. Lucy

    Please don’t give up too soon on any herbs. Our misery can have the effect of making us impatient for relief. A clam state of mind is needed for progress, too.

  38. Ebeth

    Sue , Can you say more about opening those detoxification pathways? And how did you end up doing overall on the oils?

  39. Leigh

    I would love to know what vitamins you use to support treatment. I’ve been diagnosed as sub clinical hypothyroid and my cortisol numbers are all over the board, with high level of epinephrine on a neurotransmitter test- so I know I need more support in those two areas.

  40. Leigh

    Kristin- I would love to know what doTerrra oils you used that worked. I too have Lyme, and two different Mycoplasma strains along with Bartonella amd like many of us, don’t have the financial situation to experiment with what could work and what might not. Please message me on FB. My Facebook name is Leigh Purciel Conlee. I’m desperate to find some relief from the psychological symptoms that come with these

  41. Lisa Truitt

    Yeah tremendous hype in my opinion. Not that they are bad oils but just grossly over priced. Edens garden and plant therapy are just as good. Even now brand is pretty good. It is sure I believe but maybe not quite as potent in some cases.

  42. Beb

    What oils are you using. I just got the starters kit.

  43. Bev

    Hi Gwyn, jyst got my yl start up kit. Which oils would you recommend starting with? I’ve had undiagnosed Lyme for snout 18 years. We diagnosed with lupus at the time. Thanks!

  44. Peggy L. Hays

    Check in your area for a C.A.R.E. practitioner. They are trained in Raindrop Technique

  45. Peggy Hays

    Raindrop Kit. Until you get that, try Thieves on the spine duly 3-6 drops.

  46. Angie

    Hey! I’m in Mpls area and looking for a good naturopathic practitioner especially for help with Lyme and co infections.

  47. Sue

    The raindrop technique does not blend all of the oils used. They are applied individually. So the benefits are tremendous as a result. Have witnessed dramatic improvement/healing from use of the raindrop technique!

  48. Sta99

    Thank you

  49. Linda Nolan Leeming

    Would appreciate sharing your info. Have had Lyme for 15 years. Want to try essential oils

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