Eating healthy has never been more accessible—from organic veggie mail order and local delivery services to companies specializing in gluten free or raw foods, anyone can get healthy home-cooked meals delivered to their doorstep (for a price, of course).
Bedding – Buy or DIY
Indulge your nesting instinct—create a safe, nurturing ensemble for whatever form your sleep oasis takes; organic mattress, homemade pad, cot, or tent.
Fabric, Batting, Yarn & Notions
Sources for safer sewing supplies—for those who are concerned about their exposure to pesticides and other toxic substances commonly used in the production and shipment of fabrics and notions.
Water Filters
Nowadays, with all of our waterways polluted by pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, it’s critical we purify our drinking, bathing, and laundry water.
Air Purifiers
When investing in a good air purifier, request carbon filter samples before making an expensive purchase. If you are chemically sensitive you might do better with one type than another; you may not even tolerate carbon at all.
Beauty emanates from the inside out. Haven’t you heard—self-confidence is sexier than any body part! That said, if you take care of yourself with a nutrient dense whole foods diet, restful sleep schedule, and exercise, you can shine even brighter.
Creativity comes in many forms. Write a poem, paint a picture, cook a meal, play a game, create a ritual, design a vision board. Get the juices flowing in the right side of your brain. For those of us with toxic brain injury, creating can be a healing act.
Conscious Parenting
Attachment parenting. Bedsharing. Breastfeeding. Circumcision. Elimination communication. Fertility. Pregnancy. Sacred birth. Natural Immunity. Homeschooling. Unschooling. We cover it all.
Activist Resources
Noticing the problem is no longer enough. Choose to be an agent for change, in whatever form that takes, no matter how large or small. Here are some resources to get you started.
Practitioner Phone Consultations
Experts in environmental medicine (including William J. Rea, M.D. and Gloria Gilbère, ND, DA Hom, PhD) and natural healing (like Susun Weed and Donna Gates) offer phone consultations at various rates.