People being arrested for selling raw milk is no laughing matter: It’s yet another example of the tyrannical actions of health authorities who want to sterilize your food through pasteurization, fumigation or irradiation.

People being arrested for selling raw milk is no laughing matter: It’s yet another example of the tyrannical actions of health authorities who want to sterilize your food through pasteurization, fumigation or irradiation.
They won’t admit it in person, but most guys think war is fun to watch on TV. That’s why wars are packaged as entertainment.
America offers a lot to be thankful for, but there are also some serious problems that are eroding the very things that make America great.
There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world so serious that it makes the H1N1 swine flu epidemic look like a case of the sniffles by comparison.
There’s a pervasive (but false) idea in western medicine that the more pharmaceuticals you take, the healthier you’ll get.
We cannot live without life in the oceans. Man is arrogant to drill so deeply into the belly of Mother Earth, and through this arrogance, we may have just set in motion events that will ultimately destroy us.
Originally published on Natural News in 2006, when it seemed almost outlandish to suppose that virtually an entire economy could be run on junk foods, sickness, disease and health care.
Ever wonder how the drug companies REALLY want to sell pharmaceuticals? Here’s the answer: Through vending machines! Bypass the doctors, advertise drugs directly to consumers, and…
At some point in the far future, geologists will study the sediment layers of our planet and discover an extremely toxic layer of pollution and chemicals starting at around the year 1920 and steadily…
Factory food manufacturers have figured out that slapping an “all natural” claim onto their processed, chemically-altered food products results in increased sales. Consumers, it seems, are…