Dan Neuffer’s ANS REWIRE offers an alternative to the existing brain retraining recovery programs for ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and related syndromes.

Dan Neuffer’s ANS REWIRE offers an alternative to the existing brain retraining recovery programs for ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and related syndromes.
A brain healing technique developed in Germany which involves the injection of local anesthetics into various points on the body to restore electrochemical function of tissues.
Three-day workshop that helps correct a chronically impaired “fight or flight” response in the brain resulting from an acquired toxic brain injury.
An alternative treatment for fibromyalgia that involves taking the drug guaifenesin, avoiding salicylates, and following a low carbohydrate diet if the patient is hypoglycemic.
Ashok Gupta Explains his Amygdala Retraining™ Program for ME/CFS/FM and Associated Illnesses.
Appendix to Ashok Gupta’s article “Explaining the Amygdala Retraining Program™ for ME/CFS/FM and Associated Illnesses.”
Approach for autism, ALS, MS, and other neuro disorders that uses genetic testing for mutations in the methylation pathway to help nutritionally bypass existing blocks.
A resource developed by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum to guide patients and practitioners in establishing an effective treatment program for CFS/FM. SHINE is an acronym that stands for Sleep, Hormones, Infections, Nutrition, and Exercise.
Controversial, demanding protocol originally developed to treat the symptoms of the “Th1” inflammatory disease sarcoidosis, and now being used by patients with CFS, FMS, lupus, lyme disease, and other chronic diseases.
Martin Pall, PhD’s treatment protocol for patients with CFS, FMS, MCS and PTSD based on a cycle of elevated nitric oxide (NO) and other elements that occurs from various traumas or stress events (physical and/or emotional).