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Physical Exercise
Regular physical exercise has so many benefits to body and mind – from improving mood, building muscle, strengthening bones, and clearing skin, to boosting “good” cholesterol levels, toning the cardiovascular system, deepening sleep, increasing energy, and enhancing sexual arousal. Research has even shown that physical exercise increases neurotransmitters and strengthens brain plasticity. With all that in mind, it makes sense to incorporate some form of movement into your healing regimen.
Some ideas to start with if you don’t already exercise regularly:
• Light Stretching
• Yoga – Polarity Yoga | Buti Yoga
• Dancing – 5 Rhythms | Tribal Bellydance
• Swimming – in ocean or salt pool; avoid chlorinated pools
• Rebounding – Radical Rebounding
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Note: please check with a qualified health practitioner before incorporating any new tool into your recovery program.