restful sleep

My experience with an Earthing sheet

My experience with an Earthing sheet

I had an immediate, powerfully positive response to the Earthing bedsheet during a recent stay at a retreat center that offers all its guests an Earthing experience. I ordered my own sheet online the very next day.

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Sleeping on Wool Felts

Sleeping on Wool Felts

Eliana Jantz, bed designer and founder of Shepherd’s Dream, is now forming a felting collective in Montague, California to focus on wool felts as the perfect sleep system.

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Sleeping on Wool Felts

10 Benefits of Rising Early

by Leo Babauta | Recently a reader asked me about my habit of waking at 4:30 a.m. each day, and asked me to write about the health benefits of rising early, which I thought was an excellent question.

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Dying For Some Zzz’s!

Dying For Some Zzz’s!

by Connie Strasheim | It’s midnight, and you’ve been lying awake for two hours, your thoughts on fast forward as you toss and turn like a vegetable kabob over a spit.

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