Political Satire

Hardened criminals

Hardened criminals

People being arrested for selling raw milk is no laughing matter: It’s yet another example of the tyrannical actions of health authorities who want to sterilize your food through pasteurization, fumigation or irradiation.

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The Sick Care Economy

The Sick Care Economy

Originally published on Natural News in 2006, when it seemed almost outlandish to suppose that virtually an entire economy could be run on junk foods, sickness, disease and health care.

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Age of Synthetic Chemicals

Age of Synthetic Chemicals

At some point in the far future, geologists will study the sediment layers of our planet and discover an extremely toxic layer of pollution and chemicals starting at around the year 1920 and steadily…

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All Natural Foods

All Natural Foods

Factory food manufacturers have figured out that slapping an “all natural” claim onto their processed, chemically-altered food products results in increased sales. Consumers, it seems, are…

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empowering the environmental illness community