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Emotional Health
When faced with a serious chronic illness, it can be difficult to process all the conflicting emotions that may arise out of disability, a change/loss of identity, abandonment by friends/family/spouse, and other unexpected issues that may appear in your life. Here are some ideas for managing one’s feelings and thoughts, and reducing emotional toxicity – which can be just as harmful as any other type of toxin.
• Set an intention every morning and evening
• Utilize creative visualization
• Repeat affirmations – Louise Hay | Abraham-Hicks
• Pray
• Smile and laugh more – watch comedies and heartwarming movies, spend time with children and pets
• Practice forgiveness
• Learn the art of non-violent communication
• Cultivate gratitude – start a daily gratitude log
• Journal/blog
• Think practically, make lists – when a crisis occurs, express/release your fears and emotions and then start making a list of what you can do to remedy the situation; getting thoughts and plans down on paper can help clarify the process and reduce emotional stress
• Create vision boards
• Indulge your passions, find pleasures
• Try flower essences
• Touch/be touched – get a massage | go to a cuddle party
• Use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
• Love a pet
• Live in community – “…the element of community is one of the greatest factors in healing…” | Embracing a Terminal Illness
• Try a personal growth workshop – Landmark Forum | Heart of Now | A Course in Miracles | Tree of Life’s Zero Point Program | Family Constellation Therapy
• Find a personal therapist familiar with chronic illness
avoid: news, crazymakers, stress, sugar, wheat, food additives, packaged foods, EMFs
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Note: please check with a qualified health practitioner before incorporating any new tool into your recovery program.