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Two of the most important areas of health to address are the quality of the air you breathe and the purity of the water you drink, bathe, and launder in. Here are our tips for finding clean air, and purifying the water that eventually makes up over 60% of your body weight.
Pure Air
• Relocate to an area with cleaner air.
• Spend time in nature near forests, national parks, anywhere where there are lots of trees to exchange fresh oxygen with.
• Build with non-toxic construction materials.
• Filter indoor air with an Austin HealthMate or similar air purifier that uses both a HEPA filter for particulates like mold, pollen, dust, and animal dander, and an activated carbon filter for airborne chemicals. (Note: There are different types of carbon available and those with chemical sensitivities may tolerate one better than the other, so always get a sample from the company to sniff test before committing to a large purchase.)
• Use chemical free products in your home – see our lifestyle directory.
• Select indoor plants that help purify the air or spend time in a greenhouse, which is full of fresh oxygen. Be aware that indoor plants might increase humidity levels and encourage mold growth in your home.
• Quit smoking – Susun Weed suggests “Get an extra edge on quitting by nourishing yourself with a handful of freshly toasted sunflower seeds and a cup of nettle or oatstraw infusion daily for 4-6 weeks before you stop smoking. Sunflower seeds reduce cravings for nicotine by filling nicotine receptor sites. Nettles and oatstraw strengthen nerves and cushion the impact of withdrawal.”
• If you burn candles, use unscented soy or beeswax with lead free wicks; if you must have a scent, buy those that use organic essential oils rather than toxic synthetic fragrance.
Pure Water
• Test for contaminants, including heavy metals, bacteria, and chemicals. The late Dr. William Rea, former director of the Environmental Health Center-Dallas, said that well water down to 300 feet is contaminated.
• Install water filters that remove those contaminants. Here are some of our favorite water filtration sources: Radiant Life Company’s water purifiers and filters, The Cutting Edge Catalog, and NEEDS.
• Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt recommended a 5-stage reverse osmosis (RO) system in one of his articles to remove all contaminants from your drinking water if you live in a fluoridated area, then to restructure energetically and replace minerals. If you live in a chlorinated area, he says a charcoal filter is good enough.
• Store water in glass bottles, not plastic.
• Label water bottles with healing words like “Love” “Gratitude” “Thank You” – see The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves and other books by Masaru Emoto.
• Filter shower and laundry water as well. I enjoyed the Wellness Shower Filter for years – it was pricey, but effective. It’s currently out of production but hopefully will be available again at some point. The Cutting Edge Catalog in New Mexico used to sell it and other shower and bath filters as well.
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