Focusing on nutrition, trauma work, and environmental clean-up can help your brain retraining practice in big ways!

Focusing on nutrition, trauma work, and environmental clean-up can help your brain retraining practice in big ways!
A woman bedridden and severely ill with environmental illness for over ten years is healing her nervous system — and her MCS!
In the spring of 2011, I was the sickest I had ever been. I had recently moved across the country to the southwest in search of housing I could tolerate. For the past three and a half years, I had found no places I could tolerate and had lived in semi-homeless situations.
Sia Alexander shares her custom brain retraining techniques for healing MCS.
One Planet Thrive member helps another to recover from MCS using FasterEFT.
A former graduate of Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS™) has founded the non-profit Limbic Recovery Foundation to support cutting edge research and treatment support for Limbic System Disorders.
Planet Thrive founder, Julie Genser, has moved away from the safety of the chemically sensitive community in Snowflake, Arizona where she lived for five years after becoming severely disabled by environmental illness.
by Elisha McFarland | Since having all of this dental work completed, I have seen a significant shift in my health…I can say that I am almost completely healed.
Kath created a custom plan to retrain her limbic system using EFT and followed it diligently until she saw results.
A 70’s-something woman from Maryland makes sweeping lifestyle changes, practices medical qigong, and devotes herself to both the Gupta and Hopper brain retraining programs in order to recover her health.